Email Email me your questions and concerns and they will promptly be answered and posted on AskNina.

Friday, November 19, 2010

19, skyy, Butler, Pa

how are we suposed to know or find out if we are being cheated on? like my man says if you want to be with me you have to trust me but he always talks to girls and treats me diff around them. My friends already feel some type of way about him so i dont wanna ask them. 

Jessica, 22, Virginia

Me and my boyfriend have been dating a year, or, should I say would have been dating a year on March 24th. I had wrote down the day we started to date, something I never ever do for anyone, but this relationship seemed special. After all, he was a good friend of mine, a secret crush, and many other things before we started to date. But, anyway. I started to fall in love with him..Over time. It was a huge mistake, he fooled me. It turns out when he told me he loved me, hugged me, kissed me..It turned out he never meant any of it. It was all just an act. He had been cheating on me, with more than 1 girl I should just say.. He broke my heart, once again. Before him I had dated a total loser, my ex, who cheated on me to. He played me, etc. And is still a jerk today. I'd told my boyfriend everything about him, he acted as if he understood. That's how I became to trust him more without cheating on me. When I found about the girls, my heart tore. I didn't understand, yet once again. I broke up with him, feeling SO stupid.. He acted like that if I left him, I would be hurt, and stuff. And he wouldn't get hurt at all. he acted like it was all my fault, etc. My friends weren't much of a help, they'd all just tell me to forget him, move on. To just try harder. But they obviously don't understand..Losing someone you thought you knew so well that you loved them.. When I think about it, atleast a month ago we were together, telling eachother we love eachother..And the way I felt. I feel empty and lonely all the time now, not seeing how someone could be as cruel enough to play with someone elses heart. I always have these feelings that if I gave him another chance..He wouldn't do it. But then I know he would, once a cheater always a cheater. The way I feel is weird, it's like my heart says yes..But my head says no. No one is giving me any advice on what to do, how to forget him.. I'm just so confused.
I got quite a few emails to share and would luv if you all would help out with some peer-to-peer advice so leave a comment and share your own stories as well by emailing Nina at !!!!!!!!!! Lets keep this a community of women helping women, Sometimes speaking to a stranger is the best and strangers cant turn around to ur friends and gossip about ur we all know they do.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Challenge for the day !!!!!

Learn to say "No" by saying "Yes"
Make a "Yes" list. Only say yes to the things that need your attention at this time in your life, and dont say yes to things that you need to let go of. Remember:
  1. Your self- care is always a valid excuse
  2. You dont need to over-explain or defend your actions. Just tell the simple truth

Inner tip of the day !!!

Time is a created thing. To say " I dont have time" is like saying "I dont want to..."

Romantic Tip of the day !!!!!! (Freak Tip)

Car Games
  1. Kiss at every red light or Kiss "it" at every red light.  I hope i dont have to break down what "it" is, lol.
  2. Kiss everytime u spot a Mustang
  3. Make love on a back road or rest stop
  4. Once you have reached your destination, finish your kissing "it" game.
  5. Good Luck !!!! and  B safe, buckle up :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

This Weekend !!!!

Find something to do with ur snuggle buggles :) that is not the same ol boring Dinner and a Movie. Actually research what your town has to offer and try something new. If ur single than check ur local paper or internet for speed dating and go with your girlfriends. Life is too short to stay in a little box !

Inner tip of the day !!!

The greatest gift that you can give yourself is a little bit of your own attention.

Romantic Tip of the day !!!!!!

Shower and oil up ladies and spray on your favorite perfume. Do your hair and makeup like your headed out for a night with your girls and throw on the sexiest panty set u got....If u live with ur man than keep him out the bathroom while u get ready and make sure his cell phone was left in his reach.....If u dont live with him than tell him to stop by because u bought him something and he has 2 get it asap. Now once ur sexxy is done and u practiced ur pose, take a pic with ur camera phone and send it 2 him...with a message telling him 2 meet u for a quicky. I had on too much oil and between me, him and the bathrooon floor...i thought i was on an amusement ride, lol. It was all worth it !!! Please email me any funny stories of ur efforts 2 share, Good Luck !!!!!!!

More reasons for romance

  1. You'll reduce the chance that your partner will cheat on you.
  2. You'll increase the probability that you will stay 2gether
  3. You'll add depth and meaning to your relationship
  4. You'll save money by expressing your love in lots of little creative ways