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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Must Read Email !!!!!

I recently got an email from a 24yr. old women, who by the way gave me permission to discuss. She wanted help in wondering why she can not get the type of man that she wants which is successful, respectful and has things of his own and not trying to get by on her accomplishments.

Well I "Nina" Says:
    "Say what you want and mean what you say". Make no compromises on the type of man that you are looking for, if you want a man with a stable career than dont stop until you get it. Sometimes as women we get the lonely itch and tend to speed up and fall into the arms of a man that we know does not posess the qualities that we want and need. Real love is strong and takes years to develope but until that comes to surface we are in a trance that i call " Cotton Candy Luv" its when everything is sweet and cloudy and when the sweet smoke clears your left with someone u wouldnt pawn off to your worst enemy. Take your time and do your research before the sperm meets the egg or you will be stuck trying to mold him into the man u use to dream of having. And trust me...they r like molding hard playdo:)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, u really dont sugar coat things but even i needed to hear that
