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Monday, November 15, 2010

Romantic Tip of the day !!!!!!

Shower and oil up ladies and spray on your favorite perfume. Do your hair and makeup like your headed out for a night with your girls and throw on the sexiest panty set u got....If u live with ur man than keep him out the bathroom while u get ready and make sure his cell phone was left in his reach.....If u dont live with him than tell him to stop by because u bought him something and he has 2 get it asap. Now once ur sexxy is done and u practiced ur pose, take a pic with ur camera phone and send it 2 him...with a message telling him 2 meet u for a quicky. I had on too much oil and between me, him and the bathrooon floor...i thought i was on an amusement ride, lol. It was all worth it !!! Please email me any funny stories of ur efforts 2 share, Good Luck !!!!!!!

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