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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Question: How important is sex in a relationship. I mean seriously I get tired of SEX!! People say to me that I will lose my man if I don't have more sex? True? PS I am a Woman!!


  1. Dear Tired of Sex,

    Well your not the only woman here that wants to fake death at times rather than go another round but sex is a mans way of connecting and communicating with us, so yes it is important. But..when you have a stable relationship that is based of off real love than there are compromises. Girl get good with your head game...Point Blank !!!! If you perfect ur craft than it will only take a couple minutes top away from your day. Also learn your man...every man has a no# of days he can go be4 he is about to explode sex so example if your mans is 2 days than give him outstanding sex on Monday....Head Wednesday morning....Sexting thursday afternoon and ride him 2 sleep that night then come up with something thoughtful like cook a variety of wings and appetizers on his basketball or football game day. Hell see the effort and love and it will put the days off to rest !!! P.S. Try giving head with a variety of candies, Peppermint being the best :)

  2. OMG!!! I am going to try this TONIGHT LOL! WOW!! Peppermints though? Ok!!
