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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Side Bar question, How can i tell if we r meant 2 b???

I wanted to know how do you know if you and a person are really meant for each other??? I know just because you two love each other doesn't necessarily mean you're suppose to be together. I'm just not sure what to do...and If I do decide to move on, I don't even know where to begin with that process!!! PLEASE HELP!!! 


  1. Luv is tricky and im firm on believing that what is meant to be, will be. But, you must realize that u have more control over being happy than u believe. If your constintly asking yourself if hes the one than he either may not be or you have trust issues that stem from somewhere else. Digg deep inside yourself and see where your fears derive from and hey speak to a coach or someone that can help bring those concerns to surface and help you eliminate then. Now when it comes to not being sure if hes the one than you should make a list of things u will and will not accept from a man and things u can compromise on. If he is weighing heavy on the bad side than u must make a choice of wanting and accepting more bad days than good because one day all the things u thought u loved about him...will slipp out the door and u need to be comfortable in the man that you chose and let inside ur heart. Dont make choices fully off your heart but instead think of it as your going into a business deal with a partner and ur giving up alot of ur money and time...Do they have the qualities that you want around and can trust even on a bad year???? And moving on is always an option as long as you still have air in your lungs. never compromise your happiness or u will regret it. i hope this helps :)

  2. thank u so how do u distinguish between compromising and just being plain dumb when it comes to dealing with him? and does it mean its true love if u are basically willing to do anything for him (nothing illegal)? lol! how can a relationship work, when both the man and woman find it hard to express their feelings to one another?

  3. Honestly without probably will go thru alot of problems until u see that it will go sour. When compromising is involved, it should be a two way door and if you compromise so much alone than youll notice ur not as happy in the relationship as you'd like and thats where the line crosses from being reasonable to being used.
