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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Taking care of the inside !!!

                                                          Inner tip of the day
Taking action is the only way to create positive long lasting change in your life. So get the hell up and do something.


  1. Nina, i feel like i dont have anything to look forward to in my life?? I really have no motivation...what can i do to change this???

  2. You can begin by telling yourself that God wouldn't of wasted time putting you here if he didn't have use for you. Life is full of lessons, lessons that lead us to our destiny. But life does have it's way of making us wanna hide away forever but that's when you have to dig deep for the strength to keep moving forward and begin to shape your happiness. Make a list of things that you can do to impact this world and at least one person in it and then make a list of things that will make you happy. Try week by week to tackle one thing from each list....i say this because helping others has a way of making you appreciate and enjoy life in a whole new light and it will improve your outlook and give you motivation. As you make the commitment to live a healthy and fulfilled life, the motivation will always be there.
