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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Beauty Tip !!!

Brown Sugar ladies....I got a lil' secret that i picked up spending tooo much time in the skin care isle. If you r brown skinned than this works wonders for u. Have you ever wanted that bronze glow well it makes u look airbrushed and it is subtle but very sexxy and noticable. Go out and get Loreal Sublime Bronzing instant tanning lotion, put it all over your body like lotion and after 2 days watch what it does. I know i looked good but when my husband couldn't keep his hands off of me ....i knew i discovered something big. Its about $8-9 and i got mine at target but u can find it at any store with a skin care isle. I know the white girls checkin me out r like " why is this black girl buyin self tanning lotion"? It's a secret i kept in my head and im sharing it with u, Good Luck !!!

1 comment:

  1. Coach Nina, what about the light skinned women? Do you have any tips for us?
