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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Romantic Tip of the day !!!!!!

For Her 2 do:
       Make love coupons and hide them in places he frequently checks. Reward your man for the simple things by giving him 5 coupons ,and he can only use 1 a day. Examples can be a sensual massage, Pop Rocks blow job, lol ( me 4 details), strip tease, dinner in bed with a movie creative !!!!   ( ladies get out your kids glitter and crayons and actually put effort into the coupons :)

For Him 2 do:
        Women tend to get stressed easily and keep moving thru tense pain and frustration. Give her a free pass today and u come by and cook her dinner in bed and light candles and cuddle (yes, i said cuddle). Ask her about her upcoming week and actually be interested in her conversation. Hey, if u wanna stress free relationship than make your woman happy and in return she'll always make sure your very well takin care of. :)

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